Common warthog
Phacochoerus africanus
ssp. africanus (Northern Savanna and Sahel region), aeliani (Eritrea, Djibouti, and north Somalia), massaicus (central and eastern Africa), sundevallii (southern Africa)
Status: Least Concern
Did you know? Common warthogs are the only African pig that are typical open-country species, with morphological and behavioural adaptations typical to grazers.
Generally confined to various types of savanna grasslands, open bushlands and woodlands, usually within range of perennial surface water.
Varied, including grasses, roots, fruits, bark, fungi, eggs, and carrion, including scavenging on small mammals, reptiles and birds.
The social structure of common warthogs is one of small groups: solitary males or bachelor groups, matriarchal groups consisting of adult females with juveniles and/or yearlings, or yearling groups. Typically, both males and females tend to remain close to their natal area; their home ranges overlap with others. The species is highly active during daylight with feeding being the main activity.
Susceptible to drought and predation leading possibly to local extinction. Reduction of populations caused by rinderpest in the past.
Conservation Actions
The species is relatively widespread across Africa and occurs in most protected areas in savanna zones.