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Eurasian wild boar

Sus scrofa

ssp. scrofa, meridionalis, baeticus, majori, algira, attila, lybicus and nigripes (Western races); 

sibiricus, ussuricus, coreanus, leucostymax, riukiuanus, taivanus and moupinensis (Eastern races);

davidi, cristatus and affinis (South Asian races); and vittatus (Malayan race).

Status: Least Concern

Did you know? The wild boar has the widest distribution of any suid in the world.

European wild boar - Valentin Panzirsch.


Found in a variety of habitats, ranging from grassy savanna areas, agricultural landscapes, closed natural and planted forests to open scrublands with some cover.


Varied, including grass, nuts, berries, carrion, roots, tubers, crops, refuse, insects and small reptiles. The species has also been reported to feed on small mammals.


Females are generally seen in family sounders averaging 20, but up to 100 individuals having been reported. Adult males are usually solitary outside of the breeding season. Both females and males show aggressive behaviours when facing dangers, and tend to be active mostly during the day, although, in some areas with high hunting pressure, a shift to more nocturnal activity has been observed. Their home ranges may vary depending on different factors such as the size of the groups or the availability of food; though, home ranges are reported to be smaller for females than males.


At a global level, no major threats to the species. On a more local level, susceptible to habitat destruction, hunting pressure, and genetic contamination through contact with free-ranging domesticated pigs.

Conservation Actions

Overall, the species is widespread and common, and is reported to be abundant in many parts of its range.

IUCN WPSG Projects

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