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Hairy babirusa

Babyrousa babirussa


Status: Vulnerable

Did you know? This babirusa can be distinguished from the other two species by its conspicuous dense coat of hair, giving it the common name 'hairy babirusa'.

Hairy babirusa - Jean-Christophe Vie.jpg


Confined on two of the Sula Islands (Mangole and Taliabu) and on Buru in Indonesia where the natural vegetation is largely tropical lowland evergreen and semi-evergreen rain forest, with tropical montane rain forest.


Primarily leaves, roots and fruits in the forest.


Although very little is known about the home ranges and activity of the species, babirusas are reported to be mostly solitary or may occasionally be encountered in small groups. They are mostly active during the morning and late afternoon.


Habitat loss due to logging and agriculture, and hunting pressures.

Conservation Actions

Village interviews in the 1990s suggested that the species range had become fragmented leading to a decline of the species. No surveys have been conducted since. The genus Babyrousa was accorded full protection under Indonesian law in 1931. Under its original taxonomic designation, B. babirussa, the species has been included on Appendix I of CITES since 1982, although international trade in this species is not thought to be an important issue.

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