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Javan warty pig

Sus verrucosus

ssp. verrucosus (west & central Java) and blouchi (Bawean Island)

Status: Endangered

Did you know? The Javan warty pig is characterised by a great elongation of the face and pronounced sexual dimorphism, with the males being much larger than the females (ca. 90 kg as opposed to 45 kg).

Javan warty pig - Unknown.jpg


Generally seen in cultivated landscapes and in teak (Tectona grandis) forest plantations, interspersed with lalang grasslands (Imperata cylindrica), brush, and patches of secondary forest. Though incompletely understood, the species seems to be restricted to areas with an elevation below about 800 m.


Similar to S. scrofa, S. verrucosus feeds on a range of animal and plant foods, including fallen fruits, roots, crops (e.g. rice), worms and insects.


A social species generally seen in small family groups of no more than 6 individuals during the breeding season and fewer at other times. Historically, group sizes of up to 20 animals were reported. To date, no estimates of home range or population density are available. There is little known about their activity patterns, but according to local people, Javan warty pigs seem to be mostly nocturnal, probably as a result of very high hunting pressure.


Vulnerable to habitat loss, high hunting pressure, poisoning, and hybridisation and competition with the Eurasian wild boar.

Conservation Actions

The species is now restricted to several isolated areas on mainland Java. There are no estimates of overall population size, but the species has shown a rapid population decline in recent decades. Breeding programs, as well as the creation of new protected areas and expansion of existing ones, are currently considered to counteract the drastic decline of the species.

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