Cologne Zoo
Newsletter Editor in Chief
Red List Authority Coordinator
CPSG / EAZA / Copenhagen Zoo
Programme Officer
Prigen Conservation Breeding Ark of Taman Safari Indonesia
Coordinator for Africa
ECOSUR, Universidad Campeche
Coordinator for South and South East Asia
Animal Health Coordinator
University of Pretoria
Ex situ Coordinator
Nuremberg Zoo
Species Survival Officer
Cologne Zoo
AGUS JATI | Indonesia
Primary expertise: Camera trapping and occupancy modelling
ALASTAIR MACDONALD | University of Edinburgh, UK; EAZA Pigs & Peccaries Taxon Advisory Group Chair
ALYS GRANADOS | Department of Forest Resources Management, University of British Colombia, Canada
Primary expertise: Pig responses to resource availability
ANDREA MONACO | Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Rome, Italy
Primary expertise: Ecology, conservation and management of wild boar and other large mammals (recent focus: on management of wild boar to control African Swine Fever epidemic); management of alien invasive species.
ANAGAW ATICKEM MESHESHA | University of Oslo, Norway
ANH GALAT-LUONG | French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development and University of Orléans, France
Primary expertise: West Africa; invasive and other problematic species, genes and disease; research publications
ANTOINE SOURON | University of Bordeaux, France
Primary expertise: Taxonomy and phylogeny based on craniomandibular and dental remains; (paleo)ecological reconstructions (biogeochemistry, dental microwear)
BERTIE FERNS | Cikananga Wildlife Center, Indonesia
Primary expertise: 1) Conservation breeding and captive management of the Javan Warty Pig Sus verrucosus
2) Knowledge of threats to wild pig populations in Indonesia, particularly on Java Island
CARL TRAEHOLT | Copenhagen Zoo, Denmark
CLAUDE FISCHER | University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland, Switzerland
Primary expertise: Movement ecology and census methods
CURBY SIMERSON | Zoological Society of San Diego, USA
DHRITIMAN DAS | Pygmy Hog Conservation Programme, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, India
Primary expertise: Pygmy hog ecology, grassland habitat ecology, restoration ecology, population monitoring through sign surveys, camera trapping and radio telemetry
EMILIA LASTICA | University of the Philippines, Philippines
EMMANUEL SCHUTZ | D'Aboville Foundation and Demo Farm Inc., Philippines
Primary expertise: Ecology, socio-environmental project management and coordination
ERIK MEIJAARD | People and Nature Consulting International, Indonesia
FERNANDO GARCIA GIL | D’Aboville Foundation, Philippines
Primary expertise: Wildlife conservation and population monitoring
FLORIAN GBODJA CODJA | University of Abomey-Calav, National University of Agriculture (UNA), Benin
FRANK DRYGALA | Association for Nature and Biodiversity, Germany
Primary expertise: Spatial ecology of mammals (GPS/VHF telemetry, camera trapping)
FREDDY PATTISELANNO | Universitas Negeri Papua, Indonesia
GERARD GALAT | Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, France
GONO SEMIADI | Indonesian Institute of Sciences - LIPI, Indonesia
GOUTAM NARAYAN | Ecosystems India, India
GRAHAM KERLEY | Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
HARIYAWAN AGUNG WAHYUDI | Copenhagen Zoo, Denmark
JAIME GONGORA | University of Sydney, Australia
JEAN-PIERRE D'HUART | Conservation Consultancy Services SPRL, Belgium
Primary expertise: Ecology and conservation of giant forest hogs and warthogs
JEFF HOLLAND | Los Angeles Zoo, USA
JOSEPH FORYS | Audubon Institute, USA
Primary expertise: Babirusa management and conservation
LAURENT FRANTZ | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany & Queen Mary University of London, UK
Primary expertise: Genetics, taxonomy
LIDIA PRZYBYLSKA | Wroclaw Zoo, Poland
LYNN CLAYTON | Indonesia
MARIO MELLETTI | African Buffalo Interest Group
Primary expertise: Mammal ecology, surveys, animal behaviour, conservation ecology
MARTIN GROENEN | Wageningen University, Netherlands
MARTIN RAMIREZ | Woodland Park Zoo, USA; AZA Wild Pig, Peccary & Hippo Taxon Advisory Group Chair
MASSIMO SCANDURA | University of Sassari, Italy
Primary expertise: Wildlife monitoring, conservation status, parasitism, animal behaviour and species interactions
MATTHEW WARD | Talarak Foundation Inc., Philippines
Primary expertise: Reintroduction, ecology and human-wildlife impact of Visayan warty pigs
MATTHEW LUSKIN | University of California Berkeley, USA
MICHAEL SOMERS | University of Pretoria, South Africa
OLIVER KEULING | Institute for Terrestrial & Aquatic Wildlife Research, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany
Primary expertise: Biology of wild boar Sus scrofa in Central Europe, wildlife management, monitoring
PARAG JYOTI DEKA | Ecosystems India, India
RALF LOHE | Germany
Primary expertise: Sustainable use, human-wildlife conflict
RESIT SOZER | Cikananga Integrated Conservation Foundation, Indonesia
SANDRA BLOME | Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Federal Research Institute for Animal Health. Germany
Primary expertise: Transboundary pig diseases, experimental studies with wild suids under high-containment conditions, vaccination including bait vaccination of wildlife
SHUNJO TAKAHASHI | University of Nara, Japan
SIEW TE WONG | Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Society, Malaysia
STEFANO FOCARDI | CNR-Istituto dei Sistemi Complessi, Sezione di Firenze, Italy
Primary expertise: Behaviour and ecology of large mammals with special reference to wild boar, fallow deer and roe deer; mathematical modelling of wild population dynamics; movement ecology with special relevance to Levy walks; statistical analysis (Montecarlo similuations, circular statistics, structural equation modelling); management of wildlife populations (quotas, adaptive management theory, population assessment)
THOMAS M. BUTYNSKI | East Africa Primate Diversity & Conservation Program
Primary expertise: Biogeography, taxonomy, evolution, ecology, and behaviour of warthogs
UMBERTO ALBARELLA | University of Sheffield, UK
VIRGINIA FRIEDRICHS | Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany
Primary expertise: Wildlife immunology/virology (main work ASFV)
VINCENT OBANDA | Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya
YUDI IRAWAN | Javan Species Recovery Programme (Chester Zoo), Indonesia
YUUJI KODERA | Utsunomiya University, Japan
YVONNE DE JONG | East Africa Primate Diversity & Conservation Program & Lolldaiga Hills Research Programme, Kenya
Primary expertise: Biogeography and conservation of warthogs
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