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Conservation of the giant forest hog in a set of protected areas of western Uganda

Species: Forest hog

Location: Uganda

Start date: January 2019

Major partners: Fondation Segré

Summary: We propose three main actions to contribute to the conservation of the giant forest hog in a set of three protected areas in Western Uganda (Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kibale National Park and Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve) that are among the last strongholds of the population of this species in Eastern Africa. The three actions are composed of ecological research by estimating the population relative abundance, group size and space need; social research by realizing workshops, interviews and meetings with local stakeholders; and conservation measures that includes supporting anti-poaching patrols with equipment and supporting some families in raising domestic animals. These actions will take place in the three protected areas and in adjacent key communities to reduce poaching and raise awareness about this threatened species

WPSG Member contact: Rafael Reyna; Mario Melletti; Jean-Pierre d'Huart


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