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Togian Islands


Babyrousa togeanensis


Status: Endangered

Did you know? The Togean Islands babirusa is the largest of the babirusa species.

Togian Islands babirusa - M. Akbar.bmp


Confined to the Togian Archipelago in Indonesia, the species is generally associated with tropical rainforest on the banks of rivers and ponds abounding in water plants. The species has also been sighted in agricultural and habitat areas.


Relatively diverse, including rhizomes, fallen fruits, annual herbs and vegetables.


Although interview surveys reported diverse opinions about their social structure, the Togian babirusa usually forms small social groups constituted of one adult pair with a litter. No information is known about their home ranges, and very little is known about their activity patterns; the species seems to be most active in the morning.


Susceptible to habitat loss due to forest clearance and forest fires, human disturbance, occasional hunting by the local people if perceived as a threat to crops and predation by dogs.

Conservation Actions

Although the species inhabits protected areas, its population size and its extent of occurrence remain drastically low. The genus Babyrousa was accorded full protection under Indonesian law in 1931. Under its original taxonomic designation, B. babirussa, the species has been included on Appendix I of CITES since 1982, although international trade in this species is not thought to be an important issue.

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